Friday, December 5, 2014

Comfortable in your Misery?

People hate me.
They hate me because I see the truth.
I know.
I've broken the rule.
I'm not supposed to say that.
You may have already said it out loud and if you haven't yet, you're thinking it:
How deluded I must be. How arrogant.

I've seen the animosity towards me at my work.
I've seen it at home.
I can't say I've seen it in my friends, because, let's be honest here, I really don't have many.
I have seen it and been ostracized from spiritual and church groups.
I've seen things in myself I wish I hadn't.

The vast majority of people I see and know don't really want to solve problems.
They simply want them to go away. The simple truth of the matter is, problems won't just go away. They need to be resolved and more often than not, a change is needed on one's own behalf; and that involves seeing the undeniable truth.

Many people are happy in their misery.
I know, it seems silly.
People are comfortable and secure in the misery they know rather than in the uncertainty of change; and that is what truth brings.

The truth - in the beginning - is usually an ugly thing. It doesn't need to be defended. It's difficult or impossible to attack. The best and worst somebody can do is clearly see it, or outright deny it. And which of these are 'best' and 'worst' can be debated.

If we deny it, we need to perform a sort of voluntary delusion upon ourselves. (And if we can lie to ourselves, there's no end to the possibilities).
If we clearly see it, we can never unsee it. I can never be unlearned.


A convenient 'out' is when a third party is involved in our seeing of the truth; when somebody reveals it to us.
Then that third party - that person can be blamed, held responsible, discredited, debated, or denied... rather than the truth they're carrying.

People hate me...
...they don't really... They hate what they see.They are frightened by what they see.
...but the end result is the same.
I'm no longer sure I'm comfortable in my misery.